The Original Selfie Stick Review
I just got my original selfie stick and I must admit that I do indeed love it. Everyone nowadays seem to be using these “selfie sticks” to capture pictures and videos of themselves and their friends without having to pester some random stranger to take a picture for them, There are many risks with having someone who you do not know handling your $800 smartphone:
- They could run off with your phone (which kinda sucks)
- They could run off with your phone which you already unlocked for them so that they could take your picture or video using the camera application (which really really kinda sucks)
- They don’t really care about the quality of the video or picture that they took for you so you may get a grainy or fuzzy snapshot of you with the President or Oprah or something.
- They could have slippery fingers (or be a little bit drunk in a club or concert) and drop your precious phone onto the concrete floor into millions of little pieces.
The above scenarios are just a few but they are very real indeed. So, introducing the Original Selfie Stick by ReTrak has answered our prayers. The stick is actually retractable as well for easy portability and comes with a mount for Go Pro Hero cameras. The selfie stick also comes with a soft grip phone adapter that can fit various sized phones like the following for example:
- iPhone 4 and 4s
- iPhone 5 and 5s
- iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
- Samsung S3
- Samsung S4
- Samsung S5
The above are just some examples but it can hold other similar sized phones to the ones above from other device manufacturers as well.
The Original Selfie Stick allows you to take photo stills as well as videos and the retractable stick can extend up to a maximum of 2.9 feet which is an ideal length to create very good selfie pictures and videos that actually look like they were taken by someone else. This particular model is the base version and there are two other flavors of selfie sticks by ReTrak:
- One version of the stick that can provide a wired remote control button that this located in the handle that allows you to manually take photos and start and stop video recording and …
- The more expensive stick has bluetooth capability to remotely control your selfie picture taking and video shots.
The video below shows my review of this stick:
Next post: The Original Selfie Stick with wired control review